Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This Life is not for WIMPS!

I was just thinking today about how much stuff I am responsible for, individually. (I do a lot of thinking...)
  • I am a wife and a mother, first and foremost, and those two alone bring enough responsibility to make me shake in my (awesome, high-heeled) boots. It's not easy work and nobody ever tells you that it will make you stretch and grow, whether you want to or not. "Bloom where you're planted" doesn't apply here...it's more like "Come up with the blooms, or else!" (Mom, what's for dinner? Will you sign this? Can I go outside and play? I can't think of a sentence... Honey, where's my thingamabobber?? I put it on the hooyah and it's not there anymore...)
  • I am a daughter and a sister. These are responsibilities that I wished to be rid of as a youth but am so grateful for as an adult! (many times....my sisters can probably vouch for this...my parents probably just assume it) My sisters are voices of warning and wisdom and comfort when all around me madness ensues. My parents, I found out, really do know a lot! I don't have to follow their rules any more but I'm finding out that there are bits and pieces of them that make sense and I even understand why they made them in the first place! Who would have guessed???
  • I am a friend. Sometimes, this one is much more fun than any of the others and it's hard not to let it become more important. These women become my "sisters" by default because almost all of them are military wives. When it's the wrong time of day to call a sister, I can always call a "sistah-friend". We can grumble or grouse or eat chips and drink soda and yell at all the kids in the house and be okay with it. We can dig through one another's dirty clothes (and wear what we find!), sew, pin, fit, dance, eat, exercise, stay up late, make crafts, sing, watch movies (chick flicks and stupid, old comedies that people nowadays don't even remember)...it doesn't matter. We understand each other...when they need me I'm there, and vice versa.
  • I am the Young Women's President - This is a blessing to help me to become who the Lord wants me to be but it's hard sometimes!!! It's amazing to know that He has asked me to be in charge of something that could be run so much better by someone else....like the women who have to work with me! These are amazing women who, even though they are probably better equipped to do what I'm doing, are ok with ME being the leader. They follow me...(please don't get lost, oh please, oh please.....)
I remember thinking about all of this and wondering how on earth I was supposed to do it all successfully. Then I remembered that I can't do it all. I need help. (no big secret there...)
The really amazing part is that Help is available if I ask...divine help...guidance from God...tailored to me and my situation and my frustrations or strengths or weaknesses.
On my own, I'm a wimp. But with HIM, I can do it all!

1 comment:

Jill said...

"Come up with the blooms, or else!" Yes, oh yes, that's it! I serve my famly SO MUCH but don't really feel like a wonderful, gracious person because of it because I HAVE to do it, or else! Or else chaos reigns. Unhappiness, failure, hunger (or malnutrition)... Yes, so much depends on us.