Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ohhhh....I wish I wish.....

What to say about these choice pictures.....

There are days when I'm really serious about wanting this to be real. Take yesterday for example and we'll examine the angry boy in the white shirt.

Yesterday was a regular day. He came home from school, The Happy Wanderer/Hungry Hunter Gatherer, in search of food. Anything would do, EXCEPT the crust from his lunchtime sandwich. Three tortillas microwaved with too much cheese, a spoon ful of peanut butter, a handful of chips and a paper cup full of green Kool-Aid seemed to satiate his hunger. But then it was time for homework. (scary music here)
THE HORRORS OF ABC ORDER!!! And that stupid letter "F"! (it kept getting forgotten...) For an hour he was on the living room floor playing kewpie doll with his worksheet. (You know that thing you do when your paper is on a soft floor and you stab it repeatedly with your pencil to make many little holes...it feels sort of neat-o when you turn it over.) After that, he tried to spear it while it floated....this did not go over well with the older brother who kept getting speared because he was in the line of fire.
"Nathan, go upstairs and work please!!!" I shouted....? yelled...? shrieked...? You get the picture....imagine the exasperation.
He went and peace reigned downstairs. Then the little sister began to be tortured. Pencils were moved, marks were made on her papers, crayons were taken and broken with one hand (...she said I couldn't do it so I showed her....) and, the piece de resistance, she was knocked out of her chair (which her older sister cleverly balances on risers)

I arrived on the scene to find half of a worksheet, torn lengthwise so the words could still be used and punctured mercilessly, on the table next to a folder, torn in half in a fit of forgotten "f" temper. These were accompanied by a horde of broken crayons and the wadded other half of the aforementioned worksheet. The little sister was in tears under the table and the BOY was on a chair in the closet, berating the sister for falling from the chair.

WHY do they not offer to let parents use the jails a few days a month?!??! Do you know how helpful this would be??? *sigh*
As it was, I had to improvise...
I looked at my watch...5:15 pm. I looked at the BOY....
"GO TO BED!!!"

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Jen said...

Makes me think of that story you sent me... The Ransom of Red Chief. :D

Heather said...

Hey, come check out our blog. You can see pictures of the baby.

Heather Pelczar said...

Oh my goodness. I can't find the words. If I lived closer, you could send them to my house for homework time a couple days a week so you could have so time off. Holy cow. I am a bit frightened.