Thursday, October 1, 2009

Snot So Very Easy....

Snot. Snot. This I have learned.
This blogging stuff can suck up some serious time! I thought it would be a simple enough thing to click, create and post (and given my limited technical knowledge, this is a good thing) but after several hours spent clicking, creating, trying to upload, downloading about 12 different things to help me upload, trying to figure out how to set up said things and failing all miserably, I came to my conclusion: Snot so very easy. I finally achieved success (after a few more downloads and a phone call to my internet service provider). NOW, we’re getting down to it.
Now I can post news on my blog and think I've done very well and have time to visit my friends blogs. Then I switch back and forth between theirs and mine and debate deleting mine entirely because theirs look so much better. *sigh* (what was it that girl in first grade said that her mom told her??? "Never compare yourself to others, you'll only make yourself miserable." I know, I know....but I'm still new at this.

And now I'm tired.

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